Cervico System is a range of innovative tools that provide the ultimate solution for mastering the emergence profile.

The Cervico SystemTM was developed after experiencing numerous problems in my large and busy referral based implant clinic in Greece. I am sure you have experienced the same frustrations with patients who complain of food impaction and malodor around implant crowns, peri-implantitis associated with cement sepsis, concern of open contact between the implant crowns and the adjacent teeth, the unscrewing of the prosthesis or abutment, the de-cementation of the prosthesis and finally unfulfilled aesthetic results.
I knew I could not provide my patients or referring dentists with the highest level of care and the most natural final result if I did not find the answer to this industry wide problem.
After researching and collaborating with other specialists, restorative dentists and dental technicians from around the world, the resounding conclusion to the problems we were experiencing was identified; there was no way to simulate the proper size and shape of a natural tooth in a prosthesis with a predictable and duplicable method if the gingival cervical profile around the implant is not equal to the natural tooth. My colleagues agreed with me; At that time, the only way to recreate the emergence profile was with meticulous soft tissue sculpting and the additional step of fabricating multiple temporary prostheses that needed to be integrated into the treatment plan.
Unfortunately, most patients are not willing to spend the extra investment for optimal results and some clinicians are not willing to take the time to deliver it.
I decided that I would take the time and put forth the effort to be the best surgeon for my patients and serve as an example to help my referring clinicians reach their highest level of excellency. I was committed to providing the most natural emergence profile for every single implant case I was completing and mentor others to achieve the same results. After all implant therapy is not just about placing an implant into the patient’s jaw but instead it is a natural tooth replacement therapy!
In 2014, I joined forces with my partner and certified dental technician, George Papadopoulos. Together we designed, tested, developed, patented and brought to life the Cervico SystemTM.
The Cervico SystemTM originally comprised only a mold template (Cervico Mold) that my assistant could use to quickly and easily fabricate a healing abutment that replicates the cervical shape of the crowns of the different groups of teeth, in different sizes. The results were astounding! The patients were pleased with the end result and my referring physicians and dental technicians were impressed with my ability to deliver a beautiful, gingival emergence and cervical profile in every implant case I completed. I was thrilled with the results Cervico SystemTM provided us and, as a result, our practice flourished.
As Cervico SystemTM was being implemented we recognized another opportunity to enhance the system by eliminating the stress of trying to make the right choice in selecting the correct shape and size of the abutment without probes, intra-oral measurement or complex mathematical formulas! Cervico Guide was born and implemented to the Cervico System™. We now have a multi-use tool (Cervico Guide) that makes the selection of the right shape and size cervico healing abutments an accurate, quick and easy process! Another clinical application of the Cervico Guide is the evaluation of the available prosthetic space, minimising or even eliminating the need for diagnostic wax up. Finally, this multi-use tool can also be utilized as a surgical guide for identification of the proper entry site of the implant osteotomy and for evaluation of the position and angulation of the later during the osteotomy preparation.
In summary, we think you can agree that the Cervico SystemTM is a fast, simple and elegant solution designed for the Dentist practicing implant dentistry in order to eliminate frustration experienced with implant therapy and potential risks of failure. Our goal is for you to excel with confidence in providing the most optimal tooth replacement therapy to your patients.
We are proud to provide you with the Cervico SystemTM.
Ioannis Vergoullis DDS, MS
George Papadopoulos CDT
George Papadopoulos CDT
COO VP Innovato Holdings Ltd
CEO MPF Brush Co.
T.A.F.E. School of Dental
Sydney, NSW Australia
E george@innovatoholdings.com
S cosdent
Ioannis Vergoullis DDS, MS
CEO VP Innovato Holdings Ltd
Diplomate, American Board
of Periodontology
Diplomate, ICOI
Visiting Assistant Professor
of Periodontics,
Louisiana State
E ioannis@innovatoholdings.com
S yiannisvergoullis